RebeccaAIML Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AIMLAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "aiml"
AimlFacadeFacade to manage the memory allocation and deallocation of concrete objects that have publicly exposed interfaces as well as provide get'ers to the concerte objects using their exposed interfaces
BotAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "bot"
CallBacksInherit from this class and override some or all of the methods for informative and error handling callbacks
CategoryAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "category"
ConditionAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "condition"
CustomTagsThe class to inherit from when implementing a custom Tag dll or shared object
DateAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "date"
DirectoryNotFoundExceptionWhen a directory is not found from a method, the method will throw this exception
ExceptionBase Exception class where all AIML exceptions are derived from
FileNotFoundExceptionWhen a file is not found from a method, the method will throw this exception
FormalAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "formal"
GenderAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "gender"
GetAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "get"
GossipAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "gossip"
GraphBuilderThis is the interface from which all AIML action operations will take place
GraphBuilderFrameworkAdds more operations to the already existing set of rebecca::impl::GraphBuilder in which AIML tags framework developers will need access to
IdAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "id"
IllegalArgumentExceptionWhen Illegal Arguments are given to a AIML method, the method will throw this exception
InitializationExceptionIf a initialization of an object does not occur correctly, resulting in an incomplete or "zombie" object this exception will be thrown
InnerAIMLAIML XML abstract class for all the InnerAIML XML Tag classes inside of the AIML XML "aiml" to inherit from
InnerCategoryAIML XML abstract class for all the InnerCategory XML Tag classes inside of the AIML XML "category" to inherit from
InnerTemplateAIML XML abstract class for all the AIML XML Tag classes inside of the AIML XML "template" to inherit from
InnerTemplateListImplProvides the internal data structure of a linked list for InnerTemplates and flushes out the methods of adding and getting from the data structure for convience
InnerTopicAIML XML abstract class for all the InnerTopic XML Tag classes inside of the AIML XML "topic" to inherit from
InputAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "input"
InternalProgrammerErrorExceptionThis exception occurs because of a programming error inside of RebeccaAIML its self
LearnAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "learn"
LiAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "li"
LowerCaseAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "lowercase"
NonImplementedAIML class that represents a non implemented AIML XML tag
PatternAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "pattern"
PatternSideThatAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "that" that is a "Pattern side That"
PersonAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "person"
Person2AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "person2"
PlainWordUsed by other inner template Tags to be able to add plain text as a InnerTemplate Tag
RandomAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "random"
RecursionExceptionIf a recursion of any type occurs this exception will be thrown
SentenceAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "sentence"
SetAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "set"
SizeAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "size"
SraiAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "srai"
StarAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "star"
StringPimplA String Private Implementation
SystemAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "system"
TagThe abstract AIML XML Tag class that all other AIML XML tags should inherit from
TemplateAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "template"
TemplateSideThatAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "that" that is a "template side that"
ThatStarAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "thatstar"
ThinkAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "think"
TopicAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "topic"
TopicStarAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "topicstar"
UpperCaseAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "uppercase"
VersionAIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "version"
XMLErrorExceptionIf an XMLError occurs inside of a user invoked method, this exception will be thrown

Generated on Mon Apr 10 00:39:41 2006 for RebeccaAIML by  doxygen 1.4.5