#include <MainWindow.h>
Public Slots | |
void | about () |
Called when the "about" button is pressed. | |
void | addBotName (const QString &text) |
Called when the bot's name changes. | |
void | addBotText (const QString &text) |
Called when there is new text to add from the bot. | |
void | aimlDoneLoading () |
Called when AIML is done loading. | |
void | aimlLoading () |
Called when AIML is loading. | |
void | input () |
Called when the user inputs something. | |
void | newFile () |
Called when the "new file" button is pressed. | |
void | openDir () |
Called when the "open directory" button is pressed. | |
void | openFile () |
Called when the "open file" button is pressed. | |
bool | save () |
Called when the "save" button is pressed. | |
bool | saveAs () |
Called when the "save as" button is pressed. | |
Signals | |
void | aimlClear () |
Emitted when the AIML engine should be destroyed. | |
void | aimlDirectoryToOpen (const QString &dirName) |
Emitted when the user selects a directory to open. | |
void | aimlFileToOpen (const QString &fileName) |
Emitted when the user selects a AIML file to open. | |
void | userTextEntered (const QString &text) |
Emitted when the user enters text into the text box. | |
Public Member Functions | |
MainWindow () | |
Default constructor to initialize The gui. | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | createActions () |
Creates the action items in the GUI. | |
void | createMenus () |
Creates the menu items in the GUI. | |
void | createStatusBar () |
Creates the GUI status at the bottom of the GUI. | |
void | createToolBars () |
Creates the Tool bars in the GUI. | |
bool | saveFile (const QString &fileName) |
Saves the bot output to the file. | |
void | setCurrentFile (const QString &fileName) |
Sets the current file to save to when the user presses the "save" button. | |
void | setupConnections () |
Sets up the QT connections to the AIML engine thread. | |
void | setupInitialProperties () |
Sets up intiial GUI properties. | |
void | setupLayout () |
Setup the layout so when resizing happens it does so with grace with the widgets all moving around together in a choherient way. | |
QString | strippedName (const QString &fullFileName) |
Strips the file name. | |
Private Attributes | |
QAction * | m_aboutAct |
The GUI "about" Action item. | |
AIMLEngineThread | m_AIMLEngineThread |
The AIML Engine thread. | |
QString | m_botName |
Name of the bot. | |
CustomTextEdit * | m_botOutputField |
The output field where the bot/AIML engine sends text to. | |
QString | m_curFile |
Current file we are saving our output to when the user selects the "Save" button. | |
QAction * | m_exitAct |
The GUI "exit" item. | |
QMenu * | m_fileMenu |
The GUI "file" Menu item. | |
QToolBar * | m_fileToolBar |
The GUI file tool bar. | |
QMenu * | m_helpMenu |
The GUI "help" Menu item. | |
QAction * | m_newAct |
The GUI "new" item. | |
QPushButton * | m_okButton |
The GUI "OK" button. | |
QAction * | m_openAct |
The GUI "open File" Action item. | |
QAction * | m_openDirAct |
The GUI "open Directory" Action item. | |
QAction * | m_saveAct |
The GUI "save" item. | |
QAction * | m_saveAsAct |
The GUI "save as" item. | |
QLineEdit * | m_userInputField |
The GUI input field the user inputs to the bot. |
Default constructor to initialize The gui.
Called when the "about" button is pressed.
Called when the bot's name changes.
Called when there is new text to add from the bot.
Emitted when the AIML engine should be destroyed.
Emitted when the user selects a directory to open.
Called when AIML is done loading.
Emitted when the user selects a AIML file to open.
Called when AIML is loading.
Creates the action items in the GUI.
Creates the menu items in the GUI.
Creates the GUI status at the bottom of the GUI.
Creates the Tool bars in the GUI.
Called when the user inputs something.
Called when the "new file" button is pressed.
Called when the "open directory" button is pressed.
Called when the "open file" button is pressed.
Called when the "save" button is pressed.
Called when the "save as" button is pressed.
Saves the bot output to the file.
Sets the current file to save to when the user presses the "save" button.
Sets up the QT connections to the AIML engine thread.
Sets up intiial GUI properties.
Setup the layout so when resizing happens it does so with grace with the widgets all moving around together in a choherient way.
Strips the file name.
Emitted when the user enters text into the text box.
The GUI "about" Action item.
The AIML Engine thread. This is used to offload the work of the AIML from the GUI and keeps the GUI repsonsive by putting all the AIML engine workload in a seperate thread. |
Name of the bot.
The output field where the bot/AIML engine sends text to.
Current file we are saving our output to when the user selects the "Save" button.
The GUI "exit" item.
The GUI "file" Menu item.
The GUI file tool bar.
The GUI "help" Menu item.
The GUI "new" item.
The GUI "OK" button.
The GUI "open File" Action item.
The GUI "open Directory" Action item.
The GUI "save" item.
The GUI "save as" item.
The GUI input field the user inputs to the bot.