AIML | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "aiml" |
AimlFacade | Facade to manage the memory allocation and deallocation of concrete objects that have publicly exposed interfaces as well as provide get'ers to the concerte objects using their exposed interfaces |
Bot | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "bot" |
CallBacks | Inherit from this class and override some or all of the methods for informative and error handling callbacks |
Category | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "category" |
Condition | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "condition" |
consoleAIMLHtmlConverterCallBacks | My Custom CallBacks class |
CustomAiml | The custom AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "aiml" |
CustomBot | The Custom Bot class that overrides the regular Bot AIML XML Tag |
CustomCondition | The Custom Condition class that overrides the regular Condition AIML XML Tag |
CustomDate | The Custom Date class that overrides the regular Date AIML XML Tag |
CustomFormal | The Custom Formal class that overrides the regular Formal AIML XML Tag |
CustomGender | The Custom Gender class that overrides the regular Gender AIML XML Tag |
CustomGet | The Custom Get class that overrides the regular Get AIML XML Tag |
CustomGossip | The Custom Gossip class that overrides the regular Gossip AIML XML Tag |
CustomId | The Custom Id class that overrides the regular Id AIML XML Tag |
CustomInput | The Custom Input class that overrides the regular Input AIML XML Tag |
CustomLi | The Custom Li class that overrides the regular Li AIML XML Tag |
CustomLowerCase | The Custom LowerCase class that overrides the regular LowerCase AIML XML Tag |
CustomPerson | The Custom Person class that overrides the regular Person AIML XML Tag |
CustomPerson2 | The Custom Person2 class that overrides the regular Person2 AIML XML Tag |
CustomRandom | The Custom Random class that overrides the regular Random AIML XML Tag |
CustomSentence | The Custom Sentence class that overrides the regular Sentence AIML XML Tag |
CustomSet | The Custom Set class that overrides the regular Set AIML XML Tag |
CustomSize | The Custom Size class that overrides the regular Size AIML XML Tag |
CustomSrai | The Custom Srai class that overrides the regular Srai AIML XML Tag |
CustomStar | The Custom Star class that overrides the regular Star AIML XML Tag |
CustomSystem | The Custom System class that overrides the regular System AIML XML Tag |
CustomTags | The class to inherit from when implementing a custom Tag dll or shared object |
CustomTagsImpl | Implementation of the CustomTags class that produces a Tag object for each AIML XML string |
CustomTemplateSideThat | The Custom TemplateSideThat class that overrides the regular TemplateSideThat AIML XML Tag |
CustomThatStar | The Custom ThatStar class that overrides the regular ThatStar AIML XML Tag |
CustomThink | The Custom Think class that overrides the regular Think AIML XML Tag |
CustomTopic | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "topic" |
CustomTopicStar | The Custom TopicStar class that overrides the regular TopicStar AIML XML Tag |
CustomUpperCase | The Custom upperCase class that overrides the regular UpperCase AIML XML Tag |
CustomVersion | The custom version class that overrides the regular Version AIML XML Tag |
Date | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "date" |
DirectoryNotFoundException | When a directory is not found from a method, the method will throw this exception |
Exception | Base Exception class where all AIML exceptions are derived from |
FileNotFoundException | When a file is not found from a method, the method will throw this exception |
Formal | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "formal" |
Gender | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "gender" |
Get | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "get" |
Gossip | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "gossip" |
GraphBuilder | This is the interface from which all AIML action operations will take place |
GraphBuilderFramework | Adds more operations to the already existing set of rebecca::impl::GraphBuilder in which AIML tags framework developers will need access to |
Html | Class responsbile for all operations that pertain to creating the web pages |
HtmlConverterException | The custom generic exception for use by the HtmlConverterProgrammerErrorException internally |
HtmlConverterProgrammerErrorException | The custom InternalProgrammerErrorException to throw when the error is so grave the entire AIML engine has be shut down |
Id | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "id" |
IllegalArgumentException | When Illegal Arguments are given to a AIML method, the method will throw this exception |
InitializationException | If a initialization of an object does not occur correctly, resulting in an incomplete or "zombie" object this exception will be thrown |
InnerAIML | AIML XML abstract class for all the InnerAIML XML Tag classes inside of the AIML XML "aiml" to inherit from |
InnerCategory | AIML XML abstract class for all the InnerCategory XML Tag classes inside of the AIML XML "category" to inherit from |
InnerTemplate | AIML XML abstract class for all the AIML XML Tag classes inside of the AIML XML "template" to inherit from |
InnerTemplateListImpl | Provides the internal data structure of a linked list for InnerTemplates and flushes out the methods of adding and getting from the data structure for convience |
InnerTopic | AIML XML abstract class for all the InnerTopic XML Tag classes inside of the AIML XML "topic" to inherit from |
Input | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "input" |
InternalProgrammerErrorException | This exception occurs because of a programming error inside of RebeccaAIML its self |
Li | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "li" |
Links | Class that handles information related to html links |
LowerCase | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "lowercase" |
myCallBacks | My Custom CallBacks class |
NonImplemented | AIML class that represents a non implemented AIML XML tag |
Pattern | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "pattern" |
PatternSideThat | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "that" that is a "Pattern side That" |
Person | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "person" |
Person2 | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "person2" |
PlainWord | Used by other inner template Tags to be able to add plain text as a InnerTemplate Tag |
Random | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "random" |
RecursionException | If a recursion of any type occurs this exception will be thrown |
Sentence | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "sentence" |
Set | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "set" |
Size | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "size" |
Srai | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "srai" |
Star | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "star" |
StringPimpl | A String Private Implementation |
System | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "system" |
Tag | The abstract AIML XML Tag class that all other AIML XML tags should inherit from |
Template | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "template" |
TemplateSideThat | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "that" that is a "template side that" |
ThatStar | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "thatstar" |
Think | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "think" |
Topic | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "topic" |
TopicStar | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "topicstar" |
UpperCase | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "uppercase" |
Version | AIML class that represents the AIML XML tag "version" |
WebPage | Class that handles information related to a web page |
XMLErrorException | If an XMLError occurs inside of a user invoked method, this exception will be thrown |