The User Guide for RebeccaAIML.
Here you should be able to learn about how to use
RebeccaAIML to her fullest potential.

Table of contents

Feature Overview

At a glance these are RebeccaAIML's distinguishing features

  • A windows installer
  • An Eclipse plugin for using Eclipse as an AIML editor
  • An embedded database engine for all AIML processing
  • Support for a multitude of programming languages such as C++, C#, Java, and Python
  • Excellent, fully documented, and easy to use APIs for various programming languages
  • Support for safe and concurrent multi-process access to AIML
  • Support for safe and concurrent multi-threading access to AIML
  • Includes command line tools to access and manipulate the AIML embedded database
  • Support for multiple users, multiple bots the users can have, and multiple end users accessing the users' bots
  • Scalability. RebeccaAIML can support an infinite number of users, bots, and, end users as long as you have hard drive space for more.
  • Near zero start times. Regardless of your number of users, bots, end users, RebeccAIML will restart in ~ 1 second.
  • A configurable amount of memory. Utilizing the embedded database tools you can configure how much memory RebeccaAIML will use for caching as well as fine tune her from a small machine to a large rack server.
  • Server and client model included. RebeccaAIML starts as a service and runs as a server in the background waiting for queries

The Embedded Database

RebeccaAIML utilizes Oracle's berkeley db for her embedded database for all AIML processing. AIML processing is whenever you add a new file to the "brain", remove a file from the "brain", or query the brain for a response.

The first time RebeccaAIML is started she creates her database in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\.RebeccaAIML underneath Windows. Typically this is:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\.RebeccaAIML

on a standard windows installed system. If you de-install RebeccaAIML she will delete that entire directory so you don't have left over "brains" on your system. Also, at any given time, you can shut down RebeccaAIML's server and any other processes that are accessing the embedded database and delete the above .RebeccaAIML directory. The next time you restart any process written using RebeccaAIML the above directory will be recreated again. Just remeber, though, if you do delete the above directory you are effectevly erasing all users, bots, and end users that might exist in the database. They will all have to be re-added again.

RebeccaAIML uses the most common defaults of the embedded datbase. However, with the Oracle berkeley db it is possible to do a range of extra options such as hot backing it up, restoring it, utilizing redudancy, improving throughput, etc... So many options that I cannot list them all here (I'd hurt my hand). You can cruise to Oracle's berkeley db web site if you ever need to use these more advanced features of the db.

Multi-User, Multi-Bot, Multi-EndUser Concepts

RebeccaAIML supports multi-user, multi-bot, and multi-enduser. Using the same embedded database "brain" multiple users of the brain can co-exist. A user is someone or something which wants one or more bots for their use. Multi-bot means that a user can have one or more bots. Multi-EndUser means multiple end users can query users' bots.

For each programming language and for any of the admin tools such as rs-admin, there exists a mechanism for setting the user id, bot id, and end user id. Use this mechansim for setting your user, bot, and end user id before adding, deleting, or querying AIML files. By default if you do not set any of the id's RebeccaAIML will use the id of "default" for the user, bot, and end user id.

When would you want to set or use a different user id? If you were writing a web application which utilizes RebeccaAIML and you wanted to allow different users of your site to create, access, and see their bots but not yours. Another scenario would be if you were writing seperate applications and you wanted to keep the bots of one application completely seperate from the other application. By using different users, different applications can use the same bot ids and not have to worry about stomping on the each other's bots.

When would you want to set or use a different bot id? If you were writing a web application which utilizes RebeccaAIML and you wanted to allow different users of your site to create multiple bots. Another scenario would be if you were writing an application and you wanted to have more than one bot. Each bot has its own set of AIML files you load and is unique if they load different AIML files.

When would you want to set or use a different end user id? Any time you have a different end user accessing a user's bot you would set the end user id to a new value. If you don't do this, then whenever one end user sets a predicate such as their name, all the other end users' names would have their name set to this same value.

Installing from the RebeccaAIML.exe installer

Go to the download site and download the latest windows installer. Double click on the installer executable. When it first comes up you will see the welcome splash screen. Click next to begin the installation.


The next screen is the license screen. RebeccaAIML is distributed under the GPLv3 license. You must accept that license. If you are looking for commercial development with RebeccaAIML please contact me for a commercial license.


The next step allows you to define which parts of RebeccaAIML to install. She is broken up into 3 main parts. Networking, embedded, and documentation. I suggest to install everything. Why not?


Networking consists of the standalone server which installs as a Windows service. The networking section also contains the programming languages supported for network programming with RebeccaAIML.


Networking also consists of several programming samples which showcase how to use the given programming languages to easily program RebeccaAIML to do what you would want her to do. One sample I highly recommend installing is the rs-admin sample. Although it is labeled a sample, it is a powerful command line utility mentioned in this user guide which allows manipulation of RebeccaAIML from the command line.


The embedded section lists the programming languages that are supported for direct manipulation of RebeccaAIML. Although the list is shorter than the networking section, don't let that discourage your usage. Most of the time you would want to use the networking language support and RebeccaAIML's server and not the embedded language support.


The documentation section lists the documentation to install. The programming language documentation is the api documentation for each of those languages. The user guide is this document you are reading here.


After deciding which parts you want installed and having clicked next you will see the default location of where RebeccaAIML wants to install to. Change this if you want to or keep it the default. Click next.


Change the Start Menu Folder if you really want to. Send me an email if you actually do because you'd probably be the first ;-). Click next (final time I promise)


At the begining of the installation you will see RebeccaAIML install the C++ 2005 redistributable. This is because RebeccaAIML's C++ is built with VS 2005 and needs to install the side by side 2005 .dll's. This part takes a minute or two so be patient.


Almost there. The installation should show the progress like below getting towards the end


If everything went well you will see this final screen. Click finish and you're done.


Upgrading to a new install of RebeccaAIML

If you do not care about the contents of your embedded database you can simply uninstall the previous version and then install the new version. You can always re-add any AIML files you had stored in the embedded database from before using the rs-admin tool.

However, if you do care about the contents of the embedded database and do not want to go through the trouble of re-adding everything you will have to backup the database before uninstalling the older version of RebeccaAIML and then restore the backup after installing the new version.

To backup before uninstalling the older version of RebeccaAIML go to your cpp\bin directory in your installation. In a normal windows install this would be

C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\bin\cpp

Open a dos prompt and make the above cpp\bin your current working directory. Use the shipped db_hotbackup executable to make your backup. Here I am going to create a directory called backup at my root file system and then create the backup. The "\" means to put everything on one line without the "\"

mkdir c:\backup

cd "C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\cpp\bin"

db_hotbackup -v -h \
    "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\.RebeccaAIMLDB" \
    -d "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\.RebeccaAIMLDB" \
    -b c:\backup

See the homepage of db_hotbackup for more information on usages of it.

After creating the backup, remove your current install of RebeccaAIML through Start-> Programs-> RebeccaAIML-> Uninstall


Install your new version like you normally would. After your new installation is done installing, shut down the running server through Start-> Programs-> RebeccaAIML-> Server->Stop


Delete any initial embedded database files the server created upon startup at %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\.RebeccaAIML. Underneath windows this is typically

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\.RebeccaAIML

After you delete those files, copy your backup files (c:\backup) to the above directory.

You will need to recover the database files so they will work with any upgrades to the berkeley db that might be in this new release of RebeccaAIML. Go to your newly installed RebeccaAIML cpp\bin directory and use the db_recover executable to recover the database

cd "C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\cpp\bin"

db_recover -h "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\.RebeccaAIMLDB

See the db_recover homepage for more usages of it.

Finally, restart the server through Start-> Programs-> RebeccaAIML-> Server->Start

RebeccaAIML's Menus in Windows

After an installation underneath Windows you should now have various menus in the main Start Menu of RebeccaAIML. Click the README file to see which versions of the programming languages are supported. Click the ReleaseNotes to see what has changed from the last version of RebeccaAIML. If you no longer want RebeccaAIML on your system feel free to click the uninstall option to completely remove her and any remnants of her from your system.


Cruise furthur in the menu items and you should stumble upon the documentation for each language if you have installed that feature. Click any of the documentation web pages for any of the languages when you want to learn RebeccaAIML api's for that particular langauage.


The quickest way to learn how to program with RebeccaAIML is to find the samples section. You can launch each sample in turn if you would like to see each run. You can also open or launch their respective build mechansims if you make changes to them and rebuild them with your changes. See the README in the main menu for information on which versions of the programming languages are supported.


The final section of the menu items you'll find is the server section. The server by default should already be installed as a service under Windows and will restart each time Windows is restarted. However, if you want to manually start, stop, remove, or re-add the server, this is the place to do it.


RebeccaAIML's Included Server

RebeccaAIML utilizes the Internet Communications Engine to provide an included server which allows network programming. Network programming allows various programming languages and command line tools to contact RebeccaAIML's embedded database "brain" without having to directly contact the embedded database. This allows client applications to be on seperate computers if desired.

Some programming languages only provide network support but don't let this discourage you. Going through the server is the preferred mechanism when programming with RebeccaAIML.

See RebeccaAIML's Menus in Windows on how to start, stop, uninstall, and re-install the server. By default, RebeccaAIML's installer will install the server as a Windows service and set it to start each time your computer is started.

RebeccaAIML uses the most common defaults of the Internet Communications Engine. However, with the Internet Communications Engine it is possible to do a range of extra options such as setting thread pool size, improving throughput, etc... So many options that I cannot list them all here (Man! would my hand hurt). You can cruise to Internet Communications Engine if you ever need to use these more advanced features of the server.

rs-admin Command Line Tool

Within the C++ samples I provide one called rs-admin. This command line tool can do just about anything that any programming language api can do save for receiving callbacks. What this means is that you can query different bots, add/remove AIML files, switch user,bot,enduser id's, and query various AIML statistics all without having to write a single line of code.

To get to the proper directory where rs-admin lives use the following menu below. Notice that you can optionally launch the VS 2005 solution and change rs-admin's code and recompile it if you really wanted to. The code is fairly simple for the power it provides. Hench the reason I provide it as a sample. For now let's just play with the prebuilt rs-admin. So click the rs-admin console menu option.


You should now see the following dos console box pop up


Type rs-admin and press enter. You should see about 5 screen full pages of text scroll past and finally end up seeing this end message

Scroll up to see any individual usages of any 
commands. You can use any of the commands in 
conjuntion with either local connect 
(-lc, --localConnection) or set ids 
(-sids, --setIds) or with both

Here are some examples
Query server for a response
rs-admin --getResponse "hi"

Query the embedded database without
going through the server
rs-admin --localConnection --getResponse "hi"

Query the server for a response
using the user id of myUser, bot id of myBot
and the end user of myEndUser
rs-admin --setIds "myUser" "myBot" "myEndUser" --getResponse "hi"

Query the server for a response
using the user id of myUser, bot id of myBot
and the end user of myEndUser using the embedded
database without going through the server
rs-admin -lc -sids "myUser" "myBot" "myEndUser" -gr "hi"

The 5 screen full pages of text that scrolled past earlier were all commands that rs-admin supports. You can scroll up to see all those commands using your dos box or you can "redirect" them to a text file for reading like so

rs-admin > command_text.txt

You can open that text file with your favorite text editor to see the full list of commands that rs-admin supports

Let me show you some of the basic funtions of rs-admin and the power it can deliver as a command line administration tool. First, let us see if there are any AIML files loaded with the "default" user, bot, and end user id:

rs-admin --getAIMLFileListSize

If you see a 0, then no files are loaded yet. We can remedy that pretty quick using the rs-admin command --addDirectoryUnlessAlreadyAdded. I will use the shortened version of the command which is -aduaa. Every command line option has a long version prefixed with a "--" and a short version prefixed with a "-".

rs-admin -aduaa "C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice"

The command prompt should come back pretty quick. If you try the above command "--getAIMLFileListSize" again you'll still see a 0. But why!? The reason is that the action of adding AIML files/directories to the internal queue for processing and the action of actually parsing them is seperate. So we will have to execute one more command, the --createGraph, to process the files into the AIML bot brain now that we have added them to the internal queue.

rs-admin --createGraph

Now you should see the command prompt take a few seconds to return and your computer's CPU should be spiking to almost 100% while the files are loading. At this point RebeccaAIML is processing the AIML files into the embedded database. After you get the command prompt back, issue a "--getAIMLFileListSize" and you should see 50. That's how many AIML files are now loaded under the default user, bot, and end user id. If want to see which files are loaded into a particular user's bot you can issue the following command of

rs-admin --getAIMLFileList

If you issue that command now you should get this output


C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\bin\cpp>rs-admin --getAIMLFileList
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\AI.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\ALICE.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Adverbs.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Astrology.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Atomic.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Biography.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Bot.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Botmaster.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Client.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Computers.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Date.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Default.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Drugs.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Emotion.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Food.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Geography.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Gossip.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\History.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Humor.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\IU.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Inquiry.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Interjection.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Knowledge.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Literature.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Money.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Movies.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Music.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Parts.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Personality.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Philosophy.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Pickup.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Politics.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Predicates.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Psychology.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Reduce.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Reducer.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Reductions.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Religion.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Salutations.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Science.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Sex.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Spam.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Sports.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Stack.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Stories.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\That.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Utilities.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Wallace.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\Xfind.aiml
C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice\update.aiml

Now let us query the AIML for a response. Issue the --getResponse command saying "hi"

rs-admin --getResponse "hi"

And you should see something along the lines of this in your terminal

rs-admin --getResponse "hi"
Hello there.

That's the bot's response to you! It is talking to you now that it has AIML files loaded. Let us see how many predicates and how many bot predicates are loaded. Bot predicates are variables that associate given things such as a bot's name, emotions, age, etc... with a particular bot. Regular predicates are variables that associate given things such as a end user's name, emotions, age, etc... with a particular end user. Let us retrieve all the bot predicates for the default user's default bot.

rs-admin --getBotPredicates

We should see this long list of bot predicates that are already associated with our default bot for our default user.


Each of these bot predicates should have a value of at least an empty string. Most will have a real value since whenever the RebeccaAIML server starts she initializes the default user and default bot with particular values. Let us get the value of one of the bot predicates in the list above. Issue the command --getBotPredicate followed by one of the predicates in the list above. I'll get the bot predicate "name" which defines the bot's name.

rs-admin --getBotPredicate name

I should see


outputted to me. Let me test this also by directly asking my bot what its name is by the --getResponse. Notice I use double quotes to make my question count as one argument to the rs-admin tool.

rs-admin --getResponse "What is your name?"

And the bot replies

My name is Rebecca.            

Let me change the name and gender of my bot. I'll use the "--setBotPredicate" to change both bot predicates

rs-admin --setBotPredicate "name" "John"
rs-admin --setBotPredicate "gender" "Male"

Now if you do a query asking the bot what its name or gender is you should see it tell you that its name is john and its gender is that of a male. Let us try it.

rs-admin --getResponse "What is your name? What is your gender?"

You should see it respond back

My name is John. I am a Male. Are you a man or a woman?

I'll answer it and tell it I am a male

rs-admin --getResponse "I am a man"

It should now thank me for the information

Thanks for telling me your gender, . You are a "he".         

Wait a second though. It seems to not know my name? Let me see exactly what it knows about me, the end user, by querying for end user predicates.

rs-admin --getPredicates

We should see a very short list at this point. Topic is a built in predicate for AIML processing and GENDER is what the bot has its self created.


Since I told the bot my gender was male I bet if I query that predicate it will return that I am a male.

rs-admin --getPredicate GENDER

Yep, it returns that I am a "he". Now what about my name? I could do a "--getResponse" telling the bot directly my name. I could also set it directly through the command "--setPredicate" too. One more option is to setup the most common predicates of the annotated alice AIML files. To do this you call "--getResponse connect". Whenever the annotated alice AIML bot sees the word connect the annotated alice AIML will create user predicates with default values. I am going to use the connect key word to set the predicates.

rs-admin --getResponse "connect"

I should see the bot say hi or some sort of greeting. Connect is programmed through AIML and is specific to the annotated alice AIML set. Now if I do a "--getPredicates" I should see a more extensive set of user predicates set with default values

rs-admin --getPredicates

Some other document I will probably talk more about the annotated_alice AIML set that I ship with RebeccaAIML. For this user guide it falls out of the scope. But be aware that if you call "connect" in your programming code or through rs-admin with a particular end user, that end user's predicates will be reset to default values.

Everything I've done up to this point has been direct manipulation of the "default" user id, bot id, and end user id. What about if we want to use the rs-admin tool to manipulate other users, bots, or end user ids? Simple, you prefix any commands with the --setIds command. Say, for example, you want to find out how many AIML files the bot "JohnsBot" which belongs to the user "John" has and you want to find out through the end user also called john.

rs-admin --setIds "John" "JohnsBot" "John" --getAIMLFileListSize

If you were to issue that command now you should get back a 0 since we haven't loaded any aiml files for that user's bot. To add the files I can use the command we used earlier of --addDirectoryUnlessAlreadyAdded and the command --createGraph to add files for that user and bot. I will use the shorter "-" versions for all of them this time. The "\" here means to put the line below "-aduaa" all together on the same line.

rs-admin -sids "John" "JohnsBot" "John" -aduaa \
"C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\aiml\annotated_alice"

rs-admin -sids "John" "JohnsBot" "John" -cg

Notice that all commands to manipulate John and his bot have to have the --setIds or -sids command prefixed. If you don't prefix it or forget to you're manipulating the "default" user, bot, and end user. We can query John's bot through any end user to get back the response from his bot. I'll use the shortened version of --getResponse to say hi to his bot.

rs-admin -sids "John" "JohnsBot" "John" -gr "hi"

If I were to ask John's bot what its name is it should return back an empty string since it is a seperate bot and its name has never been assigned to it.

rs-admin -sids "John" "JohnsBot" "John" -gr "what is your name"
My name is .

That's okay we can assign John's bot a name pretty easily using "--setBotPredicate" if we wanted to. We could also parse a properties XML file to set the bot predicate names too. Let us have John's bot parse all the same bot predicates that the normal "default" bot parses. The "\" here means to put the line below it all together on the same line.

rs-admin -sids "John" "JohnsBot" "John" \
--parsePropertiesFile \
"C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\conf\properties.xml"

Now if you ask it for its name or gender or any other bot predicate it should give the same respsones as that of the "default" user and "default" bot.

So far we have been querying John's bot with the end user of "John". What if another end user wants to query John's bot? If "John" tells the bot that his name is "John" and "Kim" now queries the bot we don't want the bot thinking that Kim's name is John. No problem. Each end user has their own set of predicates stored. For example if John tells the bot that his name is John and Kim tells the bot that her name is Kim

rs-admin -sids "John" "JohnsBot" "John" -gr "My name is John"

rs-admin -sids "John" "JohnsBot" "Kim" -gr "My name is Kim"

We should see the bot greet each in turn with a "hi how are you doing John" for John and "hi how are you doing Kim" for Kim. But if we do a query of predictes for the end user "John" and the end user "Kim" we should see that the predicates are indeed set different for each one.

rs-admin -sids "John" "JohnsBot" "John" -gp "name"

rs-admin -sids "John" "JohnsBot" "Kim" -gp "name"

Okay, now I'm through with John's bot so let's remove the user John which will in turn remove all of John's bots and end users. rs-admin has the capability to remove users, bots, and end users. Here I'm going to remove John's entire user which will remove all of his bots and end users.

rs-admin --removeUser "John"

This entire time we have been using rs-admin to connect to RebeccaAIML's running server to do its queries. However, we can give it a switch to connect directly to the embedded database and bypass the server altogether. This will be slower than going through the server and will only work on the local machine running the embedded database but I provide it none the less in case you cannot get the server running or do not wish to run it. The switch to give it is the "--localConnection" or "-lc" switch. Quick example to get a local response without going through the server

rs-admin --localConnection --getResponse "hi"

The rs-admin is a powerful tool and I hope you find it as useful as I did for debugging my code when I wrote it.

How to use C++ for programming with RebeccAIML

With C++ you can either program using the embedded or networking api for C++. I recommend using the networking api since its far simpler and requires less boiler plate. I will present two simple examples below and explain them. The first will be using the networking api and the other will be using the embedded programming api. These might be slightly different from the samples shipped with RebeccaAIML but only because I want to make them as clear as possible here. The ones shipped with RebeccaAIML have more comments and are more robust.

Let us start with a fully functional C++ bot application with just a few lines of C++ code.

#include <rebecca/network_all.h>
using namespace rebecca;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main (int argc, char* args[]) 
NetworkAimlFacade aiml(argc, args);
NetworkGraphBuilder &builder = 
cout << "[Type /exit to exit]" 
     << endl << endl << endl;
string botName = 
StringPimpl response = 

//Send the initial opening line of the bot
cout << botName << " says: " 
     << response.c_str() << endl;

    string input;
    cout << "You say> ";

    //Get input from the user from the keyboard
    getline(cin, input); 
    if(input == "/exit")
    else //The user gave an input to the bot
        StringPimpl response = 
        cout << "=====================" 
             << endl << endl;
        //Print out what Rebecca says.
        cout << botName << " says: " 
             << response.c_str() << endl;
} //end of while
} //end of try
catch(NetworkException &e)
    cout << "[NetworkException Found Terminating]" 
         << endl;
    cout << "[" << e.what() << "]" << endl;
    return 1;
catch(Exception &e)
    cout << "[An uknown exception occured, "
                  "Terminating program]" << endl;
    cout << "[" << e.what() << "]";
    return 1;
//Everything smooth.  Exit normally.
return 0;

Here is a break down of how the code above works. First include all the RebeccaAIML networking header files and include her namespace as well as some Standard Library header files for outputing to your screen.

#include <rebecca/network_all.h>
using namespace rebecca;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

Next, create an instace of the NetworkAimlFacade feeding it your arguments from your main. From that facade we get a handle to the GraphBuilder. The GraphBuilder is where all your manipulations of AIML will occur. Once you have a handle to the GraphBuilder you can pretty much do any manipulations like you would do with the command line tool rs-admin.

NetworkAimlFacade aiml(argc, args);
NetworkGraphBuilder &builder = 

Now, lets get the bot name and our first response from the bot. I tell the bot "connect" and get its response back. The first thing I say to the bot is "connect" because I'm using the annotated alice AIML set. Whenever you say "connect" to the annotated alice AIML data set it will initialize all of the end user predicates.

string botName = 
StringPimpl response = 

Finally, let us start a while loop where we read a line from the user of our program. If the input is "/exit" we will break from our loop and return. If it is not, we will feed the input into the bot and get back our response.

    string input;
    cout << "You say> ";

    //Get input from the user from the keyboard
    getline(cin, input); 
    if(input == "/exit")
    else //The user gave an input to the bot
        StringPimpl response = 
        cout << "=====================" 
             << endl << endl;
        //Print out what Rebecca says.
        cout << botName << " says: " 
             << response.c_str() << endl;
} //end of while

One thing you should notice is that I never fed any AIML files in the above example to our bot. I just assumed that the AIML files were already added from some other mechanism. If you want to add a directory you would use the GraphBuilder and call "addDirectoryUnlessAlreadyAdded" or "addFileUnlessAlreadyAdded" and then "createGraph". For example, before your while loop, you could add

  "C:\\Program Files\\RebeccaAIML\\aiml\\annotated_alice"

Now I will show below a short example of the embedded C++ version. This version is going to be more involved since you have to do more setting up compared to the networking example. The networking sample is easier to write since the server on startup handles a lot of the boiler plate code.

#include <rebecca/all.h>
using namespace rebecca;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main (int argc, char* args[]) 

//Get the GraphBuilder
AimlFacade aiml;
GraphBuilder &builder = aiml.getGraphBuilder();

//set schema locations
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\resources\\schema\\AIML.xsd"
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\resources\\schema\\common-types.xsd"
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\resources\\schema\\bot-configuration.xsd"

//set to true that we want to do XML validation    

//parse the substitutions file
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\conf\\substitutions.xml"
//parse sentence splitters
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\conf\\sentence-splitters.xml"

//parse bot properties    
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\conf\\properties.xml"

//add the AIML directory unless its already added    
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\aiml\\annotated_alice"

cout << "[Type /exit to exit]" 
     << endl << endl << endl;
string botName = 
StringPimpl response = 

//Send the initial opening line of the bot
cout << botName 
     << " says: " 
     << response.c_str() 
     << endl;

    string input;
    cout << "You say> ";

    //Get input from the user from the keyboard
    getline(cin, input); 
    if(input == "/exit")
    else //The user gave an input to the bot
        cout << endl
        StringPimpl response = 
        //output lines
        cout << "=====================" 
             << endl << endl;
        //Print out what Rebecca says.
        cout << botName << " says: " 
             << response.c_str() 
             << endl;
} //end of while
} //end of try
catch(Exception &e)
    cout << "[An uknown exception occured,"
                  " Terminating program]" 
         << endl;
    cout << "[" << e.what() << "]";
    return 1;
return 0;

Here is a break down of how the code above works. First include all the RebeccaAIML header files and include her namespace as well as some Standard Library header files for outputing to your screen.

//Rebecca includes
#include <rebecca/all.h>
using namespace rebecca;

//Std includes
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

Next, create an instace of the AimlFacade. From that facade we get a handle to the GraphBuilder. The GraphBuilder is where all your manipulations of AIML will occur. Once you have a handle to the GraphBuilder you can pretty much do any manipulations like you would do with the command line tool rs-admin.

AimlFacade aiml;
GraphBuilder &builder = aiml.getGraphBuilder();

Now we'll inform RebeccaAIML of the locations of where our various xsd's are. Xsd's are files which RebeccaAIML uses to figure out if the XML she parses is valid or not. There's a few XML files we'll have to load after this step.

//set schema locations
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\resources\\schema\\AIML.xsd"
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\resources\\schema\\common-types.xsd"
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\resources\\schema\\bot-configuration.xsd"

Now since we have gone through the trouble of loading xsd's we might as well inform RebeccaAIML that, yes, we want to do XML validation. XML validation is the process of validating whether or not XML files we are processing are correct. Without XML validation if we were to get a malformed XML file we would crash. With XML validation we have a chance of not crashing and a chance of reporting what the error within the file is.


Almost done! We just have to load in our substitutions, sentence splitters, and our bot properties. We load them through XML files we have in our installation. Substitutions are words we substitute for other words from the end user querying our bots. For example, we might substitute commonly mispelled words for their correct spelling. Sentence splitters are what we use to determine what the end of a sentence is. For example, a period "." would be a sentence splitter. Bot properties are bot predicates that we want set on our bot.

//parse the substitutions file
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\conf\\substitutions.xml"
//parse sentence splitters
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\conf\\sentence-splitters.xml"

//parse bot properties    
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\conf\\properties.xml"

Our final step is to add our AIML directory into the embedded database "brain" (unless they've already been added of course).

//add the AIML directory unless its already added    
"C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\aiml\\annotated_alice"

Finally, let us start a while loop where we read a line from the user of our program. If the input is "/exit" we will break from our loop and return. If it is not, we will feed the input into the bot and get back our response.

    string input;
    cout << "You say> ";

    //Get input from the user from the keyboard
    getline(cin, input); 
    if(input == "/exit")
    else //The user gave an input to the bot
        StringPimpl response = 
        cout << "=====================" 
             << endl << endl;
        //Print out what Rebecca says.
        cout << botName << " says: " 
             << response.c_str() << endl;
} //end of while

How to use Java for programming with RebeccAIML

With Java you can program RebeccaAIML applications using the networking api. I will present a simple example below and explain it. This might be slightly different from the sample shipped with RebeccaAIML but only because I want to make it as clear as possible here. The one shipped with RebeccaAIML has more comments and is more robust.

Let us start with a fully functional Java bot application with just a few lines of Java code.

import rebecca.NetworkAimlFacade;
import rebecca.GraphBuilder;
import rebecca.NetworkException;


public class Console {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
  NetworkAimlFacade aiml = null;
  int status = 0;
  try {
    aiml = new NetworkAimlFacade(args);
    GraphBuilder builder = 
    String botName = 
    String initialResponse = 
    System.out.println(botName + " says: " + 
    while(true) {
      System.out.print("You say> ");
      BufferedReader br = 
        new BufferedReader(new 
      String input = br.readLine();
      if(input.equals("/exit")) {
      } else {
        String response = 
        //Print out what Rebecca says.
        System.out.println(botName + " says: " + 
    } catch(NetworkException e) {
      status = 1;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      status = 1;

Here is a break down of how the code above works. First import the RebeccaAIML packages as well as some packages for outputing to your screen.

import rebecca.NetworkAimlFacade;
import rebecca.GraphBuilder;
import rebecca.NetworkException;


Next, create an instace of the NetworkAimlFacade feeding it your arguments from your main. From that facade we get a handle to the GraphBuilder. The GraphBuilder is where all your manipulations of AIML will occur. Once you have a handle to the GraphBuilder you can pretty much do any manipulations like you would do with the command line tool rs-admin.

aiml = new NetworkAimlFacade(args);
GraphBuilder builder = 

Now, lets get the bot name and our first response from the bot. I tell the bot "connect" and get its response back. The first thing I say to the bot is "connect" because I'm using the annotated alice AIML set. Whenever you say "connect" to the annotated alice AIML data set it will initialize all of the end user predicates.

String botName = 
String initialResponse = 
System.out.println(botName + " says: " + 

Finally, let us start a while loop where we read a line from the user of our program. If the input is "/exit" we will break from our loop and return. If it is not, we will feed the input into the bot and get back our response.

while(true) {
  System.out.print("You say> ");
  BufferedReader br = 
    new BufferedReader(new 
  String input = br.readLine();
  if(input.equals("/exit")) {
  } else {
    String response = 
    //Print out what Rebecca says.
    System.out.println(botName + " says: " + 

One thing you should notice is that I never fed any AIML files in the above example to our bot. I just assumed that the AIML files were already added from some other mechanism. If you want to add a directory you would use the GraphBuilder and call "addDirectoryUnlessAlreadyAdded" or "addFileUnlessAlreadyAdded" and then "createGraph". For example, before your while loop, you could add

  "C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\aiml\\annotated_alice"

How to use C# for programming with RebeccAIML

With C# you can program RebeccaAIML applications using the networking api. I will present a simple example below and explain it. This might be slightly different from the sample shipped with RebeccaAIML but only because I want to make it as clear as possible here. The one shipped with RebeccaAIML has more comments and is more robust.

Let us start with a fully functional C# bot application with just a few lines of C# code.

using System;

using rebecca;
using rebecca.impl;

namespace console
class Console
static void Main(string[] args)
  NetworkAimlFacade aiml = null;
  int status = 0;
    aiml = new NetworkAimlFacade(args);
    GraphBuilder builder = 
    string botName = 
    string initialResponse = 
    System.Console.WriteLine(botName + " says: " + 
    while (true)
      System.Console.Write("You say> ");
      string input = System.Console.ReadLine();
      if (input.Equals("/exit"))
        string response = builder.GetResponse(input);
        //Print out what Rebecca says.
        System.Console.WriteLine(botName + 
        " says: " + response);
  catch (NetworkException e)
  catch (Exception e)
    if (aiml != null)

} //end of Main
} //end of Console
} //end of console

Here is a break down of how the code above works. First import the RebeccaAIML packages as well as some System packages for outputing to your screen.

using System;

using rebecca;
using rebecca.impl;

Next, create an instace of the NetworkAimlFacade feeding it your arguments from your main. From that facade we get a handle to the GraphBuilder. The GraphBuilder is where all your manipulations of AIML will occur. Once you have a handle to the GraphBuilder you can pretty much do any manipulations like you would do with the command line tool rs-admin.

aiml = new NetworkAimlFacade(args);
GraphBuilder builder = 

Now, lets get the bot name and our first response from the bot. I tell the bot "connect" and get its response back. The first thing I say to the bot is "connect" because I'm using the annotated alice AIML set. Whenever you say "connect" to the annotated alice AIML data set it will initialize all of the end user predicates.

string botName = 
string initialResponse = 
System.Console.WriteLine(botName + " says: " + 

Finally, let us start a while loop where we read a line from the user of our program. If the input is "/exit" we will break from our loop and return. If it is not, we will feed the input into the bot and get back our response.

while (true)
  System.Console.Write("You say> ");
  string input = System.Console.ReadLine();
  if (input.Equals("/exit"))
    string response = builder.GetResponse(input);
    //Print out what Rebecca says.
    System.Console.WriteLine(botName + 
    " says: " + response);

One thing you should notice is that I never fed any AIML files in the above example to our bot. I just assumed that the AIML files were already added from some other mechanism. If you want to add a directory you would use the GraphBuilder and call "addDirectoryUnlessAlreadyAdded" or "addFileUnlessAlreadyAdded" and then "createGraph". For example, before your while loop, you could add

  "C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\aiml\\annotated_alice"

How to use Python for programming with RebeccAIML

With Python you can program RebeccaAIML applications using the networking api. I will present a simple example below and explain it. This might be slightly different from the sample shipped with RebeccaAIML but only because I want to make it as clear as possible here. The one shipped with RebeccaAIML has more comments and is more robust.

Let us start with a fully functional Python bot application with just a few lines of Python code.

from NetworkException import *
from NetworkAimlFacade import *
import sys
import traceback

status = 0
aiml = None
    aiml = NetworkAimlFacade(sys.argv)
    builder = aiml.getNetworkGraphBuilder()
    print '[Type /exit to exit]\n\n'
    botName = builder.getBotPredicate('name')
    response = builder.getResponse('connect')
    print botName + ' says: ' + response
    while 1:
        input = raw_input('You say> ')
        if input == '/exit':
            response = builder.getResponse(input)
            print "=====================\n"
            print botName + " says: " + response
except NetworkException, e:
    print '[NetworkException Found Terminating]'
    print '[' + str(e.what()) + ']'
    status = 1
except Exception, e:
    print '[An uknown exception occured,' +
          Terminating program]'
    print '[' + str(e.what()) + ']'
    status = 1

if aiml:


Here is a break down of how the code above works. First import the RebeccaAIML packages as well as some sys packages for outputing to your screen.

from NetworkException import *
from NetworkAimlFacade import *
import sys
import traceback

Next, create an instace of the NetworkAimlFacade feeding it your arguments from your main. From that facade we get a handle to the GraphBuilder. The GraphBuilder is where all your manipulations of AIML will occur. Once you have a handle to the GraphBuilder you can pretty much do any manipulations like you would do with the command line tool rs-admin.

aiml = NetworkAimlFacade(sys.argv)
builder = aiml.getNetworkGraphBuilder()

Now, lets get the bot name and our first response from the bot. I tell the bot "connect" and get its response back. The first thing I say to the bot is "connect" because I'm using the annotated alice AIML set. Whenever you say "connect" to the annotated alice AIML data set it will initialize all of the end user predicates.

botName = builder.getBotPredicate('name')
response = builder.getResponse('connect')
print botName + ' says: ' + response

Finally, let us start a while loop where we read a line from the user of our program. If the input is "/exit" we will break from our loop and return. If it is not, we will feed the input into the bot and get back our response.

while 1:
    input = raw_input('You say> ')
    if input == '/exit':
        response = builder.getResponse(input)
        print "=====================\n"
        print botName + " says: " + response

One thing you should notice is that I never fed any AIML files in the above example to our bot. I just assumed that the AIML files were already added from some other mechanism. If you want to add a directory you would use the GraphBuilder and call "addDirectoryUnlessAlreadyAdded" or "addFileUnlessAlreadyAdded" and then "createGraph". For example, before your while loop, you could add

  'C:\\Program\ Files\\RebeccaAIML\\aiml\\annotated_alice'

How to use any programming language or seperate process with RebeccAIML

The anwser to this is really short and simple. You can always use the rs-admin tool for any programming language or running process which can call to the operating system shell. You can do everything a supported programming language can do except for recieving callbacks. So, why not for a programming or web language not officially supported make a system call to rs-admin? Give it a try. I'm sure you'll find rs-admin operates better than most AIML supported languages from other platforms not as robust as RebeccaAIML.

Installing the Eclipse Plugin for AIML editing with RebeccaAIML

Before you do anything, ensure you have downloaded and installed RebeccaAIML. The plugin will not operate or do anything without first downloading and installing RebeccaAIML.

To install the eclipse plugin, download the RebeccaAIML eclipse plugin from the downloads section. Next, download eclipse from Eclipse's download site. Download the eclipse IDE for Java Developers. I know, I know, you're a AIML developer not a Java Devloper! However, the java developer version has all the XML tools you will want and need.

Unzip the downloaded eclipse IDE for Java developers to a suitable location. I prefer to just use my root directory of "C:\" under Windows.

Unzip the downloaded AIML plugin and read the README included with the zip. It should tell you how to install the plugin into your eclipse enviornment. To uninstall, follow the same README instructions. To remove eclipse, just delete your entire elcipse folder you unzipped.

Using Eclipse with RebeccaAIML for AIML editing

Start eclipse by double clicking the eclipse.exe in the eclipse folder. It will first ask you for your workspace and give you a default location for your workspace. Take the default (or choose something else -- it's your preference). Click OK. Now eclipse should bring you to a welcome screen that has several clickable items. It'll be worth your time at some point to read all about the workbench and the basics of eclipse. For now, just close that screen and let's continue.

We will bring up the RebeccaAIML console view by clicking Window->Show View->Other...


Within the show view dialog, locate AIML console, click it to highlight and then press OK.


Now you should see something similar to this somewhere in Eclipse. This will be where we will chat with our bot once we have loaded some AIML files into Eclipse and have begun editing them.


Let's create a new AIML project and then import some AIML files. To create a AIML project click File->New->Project...


Now find and highlight RebeccaAIML Project and click next


Give your project any name you want and click finish


Now let us import some AIML files. We'll use the annotated alice AIML set from RebeccaAIML's installation. Click File->import


Highlight FileSystem and click next


Browse to your RebeccaAIML installation and click the annotated_alice folder. Put your base project name for the folder you want to import into. Click finish


Once your files are moved over by Eclipse you should see the workspace rebuilding its self in the lower right hand of eclipse. This might take a while for the first time.


Now if you want you can chat using the AIML console and it should chat back. The files imported into your workspace are now added to the bot brain. Notice below that the bot doesn't know your name or any information. You can always use the rs-admin command line tool to add predicates and tweek the bot if you want. Just don't use rs-admin to add or remove AIML files. Eclipse will handle that from here on out. The user id, bot id, and end user id in which Eclipse uses is "eclipse" for all three in the embedded database.


Let's click one of the AIML files on the left hand side of the project Explorer. Choose Politics.aiml


Type into your eclipse text editor

   <pattern>DO YOU LIKE FIREARMS</pattern>
   <template>Not all all!</template>

If you press cntrl-space you should see auto complete come up with suggetions.


After you finish your line of AIML, click save or press cntrl-s to save your document. You should briefly see the message "building workspace" in the lower right hand corner of Eclipse. Every time you save an AIML document the brain is reloaded with the changed document. In the AIML console type "do you like firearms" and press enter. You should see the new response.


Eclipse offers such a rich built in XML editing enviornment that I've only scratched the surface here. Explor on your own and learn all the great things it offers such as spelling and XML templates and anything else you could ever want. If you haven't noticed by now, you should have seen several spelling mistakes highlighted in yellow like so below. Feel free to correct them if you want. You might not want to, if you want an extra human element of Annotated Alice being a so-so speller like myself.


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