Regression test against RebeccaAIML to ensure Quality
Quality Assurance
When a bug is reported against RebeccaAIML on output, I generate a new test case and add it to the regression suite. This ensures that no newer release can break backwards AIML outputing compatibility.

Regression Tests
The failure of "return name when set (40)" is a low priority but is something I am
looking into. The lack of javascript in my interpreter is of the lowest priority
and will be added last.
False positives are "infinite loop (41)" I just terminate infinite
loops However, it will print a failure when in fact it passes the test.
Test Case name: connect
Expected Answer:Connected to test case AIML set.
Response: Connected to test case AIML set.
Test Case name: simple (01)
Description:Tests the ability to output a simple statement.
Input: testatomic
Expected Answer:Test case #01. Test passed.
Response: Test case #01. Test passed.
Test Case name: display set (02)
Description:Tests the ability to display a variable while setting it.
Input: testdisplayset
Expected Answer:Test case #02. Test passed.
Response: Test case #02. Test passed.
Test Case name: think (03)
Description:Tests the ability to hide a function using the think element.
Input: testhide
Expected Answer:Test case #03. Test passed.
Response: Test case #03. Test passed.
Test Case name: get (04)
Description:Tests the ability to display a variable with the get element.
Input: testget
Expected Answer:Test case #04. Test passed.
Response: Test case #04. Test passed.
Test Case name: alter (05)
Description:Tests the ability to set a predicate value, display a predicate value with the get element and then change the variable.
Input: testalter
Expected Answer:Test case #05. Test passed.
Response: Test case #05. Test passed.
Test Case name: set topic (06)
Description:Tests the ability to set the topic, display the topic with get, and then use two same-pattern categories within the topic, one with a that and one without.
Input: testsettopic
Expected Answer:Test case #06. Test passed topic.
Response: Test case #06. Test passed topic.
Test Case name: set topic (06a)
Input: test6a
Expected Answer:Test case #06a. Test with THAT passed.
Response: Test case #06a. Test with THAT passed.
Test Case name: set topic (06b)
Input: test6b
Expected Answer:Test case #06b. Test without THAT passed.
Response: Test case #06b. Test without THAT passed.
Test Case name: simple condition (07)
Description:Tests the ability to use the simplest form of the condition element.
Input: testsimplecondition
Expected Answer:Test case #07. Test passed.
Response: Test case #07. Test passed.
Test Case name: simple condition (07a)
Input: testsimpleconditiona
Expected Answer:Test case #07a. Test passed.
Response: Test case #07a. Test passed.
Test Case name: simple condition match (07b)
Description:Tests the ability to match the value associated with the name attribute of a condition with a pattern in the value attribute.
Input: testsimpleconditionmatch
Expected Answer:Test case #07b. Test passed.
Response: Test case #07b. Test passed.
Test Case name: condition list (08)
Description:Tests the ability to use the list form of the condition element.
Input: testconditionlist
Expected Answer:Test case #08. Test passed.
Response: Test case #08. Test passed.
Test Case name: condition list match (08a)
Description:Tests the ability to match the value associated with the name attribute of one of a condition's listitems with a pattern in the value attribute of the condition.
Input: testconditionlistmatch
Expected Answer:Test case #08a. Test passed.
Response: Test case #08a. Test passed.
Test Case name: condition list default (09)
Description:Tests the ability to use the condition element with the list format and fall through to the default list entry when no other list items have a match.
Input: testconditionlistdefault
Expected Answer:Test case #09. Test passed.
Response: Test case #09. Test passed.
Test Case name: condition list name (10)
Description:Tests the ability to use the condition element with the list format of both name and value.
Input: testconditionlistname
Expected Answer:Test case #10. Test passed.
Response: Test case #10. Test passed.
Test Case name: condition list name (10a)
Description:Tests the ability to match the value associated with the name attribute of one of a condition's listitems with a pattern in the value attribute of the listitem.
Input: testconditionlistnamematch
Expected Answer:Test case #10a. Test passed.
Response: Test case #10a. Test passed.
Test Case name: star (11)
Description:Tests the ability to use the star element both with and without the index attribute.
Input: teststar Test passed
Expected Answer:Test case #11. Test passed 1. Test passed 2.
Response: Test case #11. Test passed 1. Test passed 2.
Test Case name: star * (11a)
Description:Tests the ability to return the values captured by indexed * (asterisk) wildcards.
Input: teststar Test passed one and Test passed two and Test passed three and Test passed four
Expected Answer:Test case #11a. star index 1: Test passed one. star index 2: Test passed two. star index 3: Test passed three. star index 4: Test passed four.
Response: Test case #11a. star index 1: Test passed one. star index 2: Test passed two. star index 3: Test passed three. star index 4: Test passed four.
Test Case name: star _ (11b)
Description:Tests the ability to return the values captured by indexed _ (underscore) wildcards.
Input: testunderscore Test passed one and Test passed two and Test passed three and Test passed four
Expected Answer:Test case #11b. star index 1: Test passed one. star index 2: Test passed two. star index 3: Test passed three. star index 4: Test passed four.
Response: Test case #11b. star index 1: Test passed one. star index 2: Test passed two. star index 3: Test passed three. star index 4: Test passed four.
Test Case name: random (12)
Description:Tests the ability to use the random function.
Input: testrandom
Expected keywords: Test case #12.
Expected keywords: 1,2,3,4,5
Response: Test case #12. Test passed 5.
Test Case name: word format (13)
Description:Tests the ability to adjust the word case based on the four format elements: uppercase, lowercase, sentence, and formal.
Input: testwordformat
Expected Answer:Test case #13. Test passed if UPPERCASE. Test passed if lowercase. Test passed if Proper Name. Test passed if This is a sentence.
Response: Test case #13. Test passed if UPPERCASE. Test passed if lowercase. Test passed if Proper Name. Test passed if This is a sentence.
Test Case name: nested word format (14)
Description:Tests the ability to use nested word format elements.
Input: testnestedwordformat
Expected Answer:Test case #14. Test passed if THIS IS UPPER CASE, and this is a Proper Name.
Response: Test case #14. Test passed if THIS IS UPPER CASE, and this is a Proper Name.
Test Case name: simple multisentence that (15)
Description:Tests the ability to properly set the bot's last response into the proper THAT value holders. It issues a multi sentence response, which should result in the bot's setting the THAT stack to each sentence.
Input: testsimplemultisentencethat
Expected Answer:Test case #15 setup. THAT plus two. THAT plus one. THAT.
Response: Test case #15 setup. THAT plus two. THAT plus one. THAT.
Test Case name: that (15)
Input: testthat
Expected Answer:Test case #15. THAT: Old form: THAT. New form: THAT. THAT+1: THAT plus one. THAT+2: THAT plus two.
Response: Test case #15. THAT: Old form: THAT. New form: THAT. THAT+1: THAT plus one. THAT+2: THAT plus two.
Test Case name: multisentence that array (16) setup a
Description:Tests the ability to properly set the bot's last response into the proper THAT value holders. It specifically tests a 3X4 deep array of the last four bot responses. It has a setup phase, and a test phase.
Input: testarray4multisentencethat
Expected Answer:Test case #16 setup a. THAT array4 response three. THAT array4 response two. THAT array4 response one.
Response: Test case #16 setup a. THAT array4 response three. THAT array4 response two. THAT array4 response one.
Test Case name: multisentence that array (16) setup b
Input: testarray3multisentencethat
Expected Answer:Test case #16 setup b. THAT array3 response three. THAT array3 response two. THAT array3 response one.
Response: Test case #16 setup b. THAT array3 response three. THAT array3 response two. THAT array3 response one.
Test Case name: multisentence that array (16) setup c
Input: testarray2multisentencethat
Expected Answer:Test case #16 setup c. THAT array2 response three. THAT array2 response two. THAT array2 response one.
Response: Test case #16 setup c. THAT array2 response three. THAT array2 response two. THAT array2 response one.
Test Case name: multisentence that array (16) setup d
Input: testarray1multisentencethat
Expected Answer:Test case #16 setup d. THAT array1 response three. THAT array1 response two. THAT array1 response one.
Response: Test case #16 setup d. THAT array1 response three. THAT array1 response two. THAT array1 response one.
Test Case name: multisentence that array (16)
Input: testthatarray
Expected Answer:Test case #16. Array 1 THAT: THAT array1 response one. THAT+1: THAT array1 response two. THAT+2: THAT array1 response three. Array 2 THAT: THAT array2 response one. THAT+1: THAT array2 response two. THAT+2: THAT array2 response three. Array 3 THAT: THAT array3 response one. THAT+1: THAT array3 response two. THAT+2: THAT array3 response three. Array 4 THAT: THAT array4 response one. THAT+1: THAT array4 response two. THAT+2: THAT array4 response three.
Response: Test case #16. Array 1 THAT: THAT array1 response one. THAT+1: THAT array1 response two. THAT+2: THAT array1 response three. Array 2 THAT: THAT array2 response one. THAT+1: THAT array2 response two. THAT+2: THAT array2 response three. Array 3 THAT: THAT array3 response one. THAT+1: THAT array3 response two. THAT+2: THAT array3 response three. Array 4 THAT: THAT array4 response one. THAT+1: THAT array4 response two. THAT+2: THAT array4 response three.
Test Case name: bot properties (17)
Description:Tests the ability to list some bot properties.
Input: testbotproperties
Expected keywords: Test case #17.
Expected keywords: Name:
Expected keywords: Birthday:
Expected keywords: BirthPlace:
Expected keywords: BoyFriend:
Expected keywords: Favorite:
Expected keywords: Favorite:
Expected keywords: Favorite Color:
Expected keywords: Favorite Food:
Expected keywords: Favorite Song:
Expected keywords: Favorite Movie:
Expected keywords: For Fun:
Expected keywords: Friends:
Expected keywords: Gender:
Expected keywords: GirlFriend:
Expected keywords: Kind of Music:
Expected keywords: Location:
Expected keywords: Look Like:
Expected keywords: Botmaster:
Expected keywords: Question:
Expected keywords: Sign:
Expected keywords: Talk About:
Expected keywords: Wear old:
Response: Test case #17. Name: Rebecca. Birthday: November 30, 1979. BirthPlace: Jefferson City. BoyFriend: Frank. Favorite: Nirvana. Favorite: Hitchiker's Guide To the Galaxy. Favorite Color: Purple. Favorite Food: Pizza. Favorite Song: Redemention by Bob Marley. Favorite Movie: Train Spotting. For Fun: Read. Friends: Carly and Joey. Gender: female. GirlFriend: none. Kind of Music: music like the beatles. Location:Colorado Springs. Look Like: Blond. Botmaster: Frank. Question: How you liking me. Sign: Sagatarius. Talk About: Books. Wear old: Jeans and a T-Shirt.
Test Case name: condition set value (18)
Description:Tests the ability to use a set within a condition and then display the new value of that set using the value attribute.
Input: testconditionsetvalue
Expected Answer:Test case #18. Test passed.
Response: Test case #18. Test passed.
Test Case name: javascript (19)
Description:Tests the javascript element.
Input: testjavascript
Expected Answer:Test case #19. Test passed.
Response: Test case #19.
Test Case name: system (19a)
Description:Tests the system element.
Input: testsystem
Expected Answer:Test case #19a. Test passed.
Response: Test case #19a. Test passed.
Test Case name: nested condition (20a)
Description:Tests the ability to process nested conditions.
Input: testnestedcondition
Expected Answer:Test case #20a. Test passed.
Response: Test case #20a. Test passed.
Test Case name: nested condition (20b)
Input: testnestedcondition1
Expected Answer:Test case #20b. Test passed.
Response: Test case #20b. Test passed.
Test Case name: nested condition (20c)
Input: testnestedcondition2
Expected Answer:Test case #20c. Test passed.
Response: Test case #20c. Test passed.
Test Case name: set condition (21)
Description:ests the ability to process a condition element within a set element.
Input: testsetcondition
Expected Answer:Test case #21. Test passed.
Response: Test case #21. Test passed.
Test Case name: version (22)
Description:Tests the version element.
Input: testversion
Expected keywords: Test case #22.
Expected keywords: Test of "version":
Response: Test case #22. Test of "version": .9861
Test Case name: srai (23)
Description:Tests the ability to process a simple srai.
Input: testsrai
Expected Answer:Test case #23. Test passed.
Response: Test case #23. Test passed.
Test Case name: sr (23a)
Description:Tests the sr element.
Input: testsr sraisucceeded
Expected Answer:Test case #23a. Test passed.
Response: Test case #23a. Test passed.
Test Case name: nested srai (24)
Description:Tests the ability to process a nested srai.
Input: testnestedsrai
Expected Answer:Test case #24. Test passed.
Response: Test case #24. Test passed.
Test Case name: think srai (25)
Description:Tests the ability to
Input: testthinksrai
Expected Answer:Test case #25. Test passed, IF NO OTHER MESSAGE.
Response: Test case #25. Test passed, IF NO OTHER MESSAGE.
Test Case name: star set (26)
Description:Tests the ability to set the value of a predicate from inside a think element and then display the value.
Input: teststarset Test passed
Expected Answer:Test case #26. Test passed.
Response: Test case #26. Test passed.
Test Case name: id, size, date (27)
Description:Tests the id, size and date elements.
Input: testidsizedate
Expected keywords: Test case #27.
Expected keywords: Result of Test ID =
Expected keywords: Result of Test SIZE =
Expected keywords: Result of Test DATE =
Response: Test case #27. Result of Test ID = Result of Test SIZE = 105 Result of Test DATE = 2006-Sep-01 17:10:42
Test Case name: gossip (28)
Description:Tests the gossip element.
Input: testgossip
Expected Answer:Test case #28. Test complete. Check the gossip log.
Response: Test case #28. Test complete. Check the gossip log.
Test Case name: get, set (29)
Description:Tests the get and set elements.
Input: testname
Expected Answer:Test case #29. Test passed.
Response: Test case #29. Test passed.
Test Case name: input (30) setup a
Description:Tests the input element.
Input: testinput
Expected Answer:Test case #30 setup a okay.
Response: Test case #30 setup a okay.
Test Case name: input (30) setup b
Input: testinput1
Expected Answer:Test case #30 setup b okay.
Response: Test case #30 setup b okay.
Test Case name: input (30) setup c
Input: testinput2
Expected Answer:Test case #30 setup c okay.
Response: Test case #30 setup c okay.
Test Case name: input (30)
Input: testinput3
Expected Answer:Test case #30. Test (input) passed if this says testinput3: testinput3. Test (input index 1) passed if this says testinput3: testinput3. Test (input index 2) passed if this says testinput2: testinput2. Test (input index 3) passed if this says testinput1: testinput1. Test (input index 4) passed if this says testinput: testinput.
Response: Test case #30. Test (input) passed if this says testinput3: testinput3. Test (input index 1) passed if this says testinput3: testinput3. Test (input index 2) passed if this says testinput2: testinput2. Test (input index 3) passed if this says testinput1: testinput1. Test (input index 4) passed if this says testinput: testinput.
Test Case name: gender (31) [000]
Input: testgender he
Expected Answer:Test case #31. he becomes she
Response: Test case #31. he becomes she
Test Case name: gender (31) [001]
Input: testgender she
Expected Answer:Test case #31. she becomes he
Response: Test case #31. she becomes he
Test Case name: gender (31) [002]
Input: testgender to him
Expected Answer:Test case #31. to him becomes to her
Response: Test case #31. to him becomes to her
Test Case name: gender (31) [003]
Input: testgender for him
Expected Answer:Test case #31. for him becomes for her
Response: Test case #31. for him becomes for her
Test Case name: gender (31) [004]
Input: testgender with him
Expected Answer:Test case #31. with him becomes with her
Response: Test case #31. with him becomes with her
Test Case name: gender (31) [005]
Input: testgender on him
Expected Answer:Test case #31. on him becomes on her
Response: Test case #31. on him becomes on her
Test Case name: gender (31) [006]
Input: testgender in him
Expected Answer:Test case #31. in him becomes in her
Response: Test case #31. in him becomes in her
Test Case name: gender (31) [007]
Input: testgender to her
Expected Answer:Test case #31. to her becomes to him
Response: Test case #31. to her becomes to him
Test Case name: gender (31) [008]
Input: testgender for her
Expected Answer:Test case #31. for her becomes for him
Response: Test case #31. for her becomes for him
Test Case name: gender (31) [009]
Input: testgender with her
Expected Answer:Test case #31. with her becomes with him
Response: Test case #31. with her becomes with him
Test Case name: gender (31) [010]
Input: testgender on her
Expected Answer:Test case #31. on her becomes on him
Response: Test case #31. on her becomes on him
Test Case name: gender (31) [011]
Input: testgender in her
Expected Answer:Test case #31. in her becomes in him
Response: Test case #31. in her becomes in him
Test Case name: gender (31) [012]
Input: testgender his
Expected Answer:Test case #31. his becomes her
Response: Test case #31. his becomes her
Test Case name: gender (31) [013]
Input: testgender her
Expected Answer:Test case #31. her becomes his
Response: Test case #31. her becomes his
Test Case name: gender (31) [014]
Input: testgender him
Expected Answer:Test case #31. him becomes her
Response: Test case #31. him becomes her
Test Case name: thatstar (32) setup
Description:Tests the thatstar element.
Input: testthatstar
Expected Answer:Test case #32 setup. Check next to see if Test passed.
Response: Test case #32 setup. Check next to see if Test passed.
Test Case name: thatstar (32)
Input: testthatstar1
Expected Answer:Test case #32. THATSTAR: Test passed THATSTAR INDEX="1": Test passed
Response: Test case #32. THATSTAR: Test passed THATSTAR INDEX="1": Test passed
Test Case name: indexed star (33) setup
Description:Tests the indexed thatstar element.
Input: testmultithatstar
Expected Answer:Test case #33 setup. See whether thatstar test passed and whether index two test passed and whether index three test passed next.
Response: Test case #33 setup. See whether thatstar test passed and whether index two test passed and whether index three test passed next.
Test Case name: indexed star (33)
Input: testmultithatstar1
Expected Answer:Test case #33. THATSTAR: thatstar test passed THATSTAR INDEX="1": thatstar test passed THATSTAR INDEX="2": index two test passed THATSTAR INDEX="3": index three test passed
Response: Test case #33. THATSTAR: thatstar test passed THATSTAR INDEX="1": thatstar test passed THATSTAR INDEX="2": index two test passed THATSTAR INDEX="3": index three test passed
Test Case name: topicstar (34) setup
Description:Tests the topicstar element.
Input: testtopicstar
Expected Answer:Test case #34 setup okay.
Response: Test case #34 setup okay.
Test Case name: topicstar (34)
Input: test34
Expected Answer:Test case #34. TOPICSTAR: Test passed TOPICSTAR INDEX="1": Test passed
Response: Test case #34. TOPICSTAR: Test passed TOPICSTAR INDEX="1": Test passed
Test Case name: indexed topicstar (35) setup
Description:Tests the indexed topicstar element.
Input: testmultitopicstar
Expected Answer:Test case #35 setup okay.
Response: Test case #35 setup okay.
Test Case name: indexed topicstar
Input: test35
Expected Answer:Test case #35. TOPICSTAR: Test passed 1 TOPICSTAR INDEX="1": Test passed 1 TOPICSTAR INDEX="2": Test passed 2 TOPICSTAR INDEX="3": Test passed 3
Response: Test case #35. TOPICSTAR: Test passed 1 TOPICSTAR INDEX="1": Test passed 1 TOPICSTAR INDEX="2": Test passed 2 TOPICSTAR INDEX="3": Test passed 3
Test Case name: extreme srai (37)
Description:Tests an extremely deeply nested (20 levels) srai.
Input: testextremesrai
Expected Answer:Test case #37. Test passed.
Response: Test case #37. Test passed.
Test Case name: person (38) [000]
Input: testperson i was there
Expected Answer:Test case #38. i was there becomes he or she was there
Response: Test case #38. i was there becomes he or she was there
Test Case name: person (38) [001]
Input: testperson he was away
Expected Answer:Test case #38. he was away becomes I was away
Response: Test case #38. he was away becomes I was away
Test Case name: person (38) [002]
Input: testperson she was kind
Expected Answer:Test case #38. she was kind becomes I was kind
Response: Test case #38. she was kind becomes I was kind
Test Case name: person (38) [003]
Input: testperson i am sleepy
Expected Answer:Test case #38. i am sleepy becomes he or she is sleepy
Response: Test case #38. i am sleepy becomes he or she is sleepy
Test Case name: person (38) [004]
Input: testperson i will
Expected Answer:Test case #38. i will becomes he or she will
Response: Test case #38. i will becomes he or she will
Test Case name: person (38) [005]
Input: testperson for me
Expected Answer:Test case #38. for me becomes for him or her
Response: Test case #38. for me becomes for him or her
Test Case name: person (38) [006]
Input: testperson my bot
Expected Answer:Test case #38. my bot becomes his or her bot
Response: Test case #38. my bot becomes his or her bot
Test Case name: person (38) [007]
Input: testperson beside myself
Expected Answer:Test case #38. beside myself becomes beside him or herself
Response: Test case #38. beside myself becomes beside him or herself
Test Case name: person (38) [008]
Input: testperson is mine
Expected Answer:Test case #38. is mine becomes is his or hers
Response: Test case #38. is mine becomes is his or hers
Test Case name: person2 (39) [000]
Input: testperson2 along with you
Expected Answer:Test case #39. along with you becomes along with me
Response: Test case #39. along with you becomes along with me
Test Case name: person2 (39) [001]
Input: testperson2 something is with me
Expected Answer:Test case #39. something is with me becomes something is with you
Response: Test case #39. something is with me becomes something is with you
Test Case name: person2 (39) [002]
Input: testperson2 send to you
Expected Answer:Test case #39. send to you becomes send to me
Response: Test case #39. send to you becomes send to me
Test Case name: person2 (39) [003]
Input: testperson2 present to me
Expected Answer:Test case #39. present to me becomes present to you
Response: Test case #39. present to me becomes present to you
Test Case name: person2 (39) [004]
Input: testperson2 picture of you
Expected Answer:Test case #39. picture of you becomes picture of me
Response: Test case #39. picture of you becomes picture of me
Test Case name: person2 (39) [005]
Input: testperson2 reminder of me
Expected Answer:Test case #39. reminder of me becomes reminder of you
Response: Test case #39. reminder of me becomes reminder of you
Test Case name: person2 (39) [006]
Input: testperson2 best wishes for you
Expected Answer:Test case #39. best wishes for you becomes best wishes for me
Response: Test case #39. best wishes for you becomes best wishes for me
Test Case name: person2 (39) [007]
Input: testperson2 for me this is
Expected Answer:Test case #39. for me this is becomes for you this is
Response: Test case #39. for me this is becomes for you this is
Test Case name: person2 (39) [008]
Input: testperson2 give you something
Expected Answer:Test case #39. give you something becomes give me something
Response: Test case #39. give you something becomes give me something
Test Case name: person2 (39) [009]
Input: testperson2 give me that
Expected Answer:Test case #39. give me that becomes give you that
Response: Test case #39. give me that becomes give you that
Test Case name: person2 (39) [010]
Input: testperson2 giving you a hand
Expected Answer:Test case #39. giving you a hand becomes giving me a hand
Response: Test case #39. giving you a hand becomes giving me a hand
Test Case name: person2 (39) [011]
Input: testperson2 giving me a lift
Expected Answer:Test case #39. giving me a lift becomes giving you a lift
Response: Test case #39. giving me a lift becomes giving you a lift
Test Case name: person2 (39) [012]
Input: testperson2 gave you a fork
Expected Answer:Test case #39. gave you a fork becomes gave me a fork
Response: Test case #39. gave you a fork becomes gave me a fork
Test Case name: person2 (39) [013]
Input: testperson2 gave me an idea
Expected Answer:Test case #39. gave me an idea becomes gave you an idea
Response: Test case #39. gave me an idea becomes gave you an idea
Test Case name: person2 (39) [014]
Input: testperson2 make you happy
Expected Answer:Test case #39. make you happy becomes make me happy
Response: Test case #39. make you happy becomes make me happy
Test Case name: person2 (39) [015]
Input: testperson2 make me sad
Expected Answer:Test case #39. make me sad becomes make you sad
Response: Test case #39. make me sad becomes make you sad
Test Case name: person2 (39) [016]
Input: testperson2 made you aware
Expected Answer:Test case #39. made you aware becomes made me aware
Response: Test case #39. made you aware becomes made me aware
Test Case name: person2 (39) [017]
Input: testperson2 made me cognizant
Expected Answer:Test case #39. made me cognizant becomes made you cognizant
Response: Test case #39. made me cognizant becomes made you cognizant
Test Case name: return name when set (40)
Description:Tests the ability to return the name of a return-name-when-set predicate when it is set, and to return the value when a non-return-name-when-set predicate is set. It depends on the proper definition of the "passed" and "failed" predicates in predicates.xml.
Input: testreturnnamewhenset
Expected Answer:Test case #40. Test passed 1. Test passed 2.
Response: Test case #40. Test failed 1. Test passed 2.
Test Case name: infinite loop (41)
Description:ests the ability to detect a simple kind of infinite loop, and avoid it by substituting the phrase "INFINITE LOOP" (or whatever is configured).
Input: testinfiniteloop
Expected Answer:Test case #41. Test passed.
Response: Test case #41. Test case #41.
Test Case name: that punctuation test setup(1)
Description:Tests the ability to remove punctuation from "that" statements. This bug was found by Charles Chevallier.
Expected Answer:some, more punctuation, here.?!
Response: some, more punctuation, here.?!
Test Case name: that punctuation test(1)
Description:Tests the ability to remove punctuation from "that" statements. This bug was found by Charles Chevallier.
Expected Answer:Test passed.
Response: Test passed.
Test Case name: Test punctuation at the begining of the sentence(1)
Description:Tests that punctuation is allowed by its self at the begining of a Rebecca Response. This bug was found by Charles Chevallier.
Expected Answer:../../aiml/annotated_alice Test Passed.
Response: ../../aiml/annotated_alice Test Passed.
Test Case name: Test punctuation at the begining of the sentence(2)
Description:Tests that punctuation is allowed by its self at the begining of a Rebecca Response. This bug was found by Charles Chevallier.
Expected Answer:../Test Passed.
Response: ../Test Passed.
Test Case name: Test punctuation at the begining of the sentence(3)
Description:Tests that punctuation is allowed by its self at the begining of a Rebecca Response. This bug was found by Charles Chevallier.
Expected Answer:?????
Response: ?????
Test Case name: Test that when srai is called the input index'es behave correctly
Description:Tests that when srai is called the input AIML tags behave correctly. This bug was found by Charles Chevallier.
Test Case name: Test that when srai is called the star indexes are calculated correctly
Description:The "*" star tags need to be calculated and stored as well as popped during execution of each tag.
Expected Answer:askquestions worked 3askquestions worked
Response: askquestions worked 3askquestions worked
Test Case name: Test that when a predicate is set the condition works with a empty string as one of the Li's
Description:Whenever there is a condition and an empty Li the empty Li should be ignored and the other Li which matches should be triggered. Sometimes an empty Li can mistakened for a default Li in interpreters.
Expected Answer:pass
Response: pass